Saturday 26 February 2011

" Failures are success delayed..." - T T Rangarajan....

Alma Mater Values
I understand everything has a limited life span.
One day, King Solomon decided to humble Benaiah Ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister.  He told the minister, “Benaiah, there is a certain ring that I want you to bring to me.  I give you six months to find it.  It has magic powers.  If a happy man looks at it, he would become sad, and if a sad man looks at it, he would become happy.”  Solomon knew that no such ring existed in the world, but he wished to give his minister a little taste of humility.  Benaiah had no idea where he could find the ring.  One night he took a walk in one of the poorest quarters of Jerusalem.  He passed by a merchant.  “Have you, by any chance, heard of a magic ring that makes the happy wearer forget his joy and the broken-hearted wearer forget his sorrows?” asked Benaiah.  The merchant took a plain gold ring and engraved something on it.  When Benaiah read the words on the ring, his face broke out in a wide smile.  To everyone’s surprise, including the king, Benaiah held up a small gold ring and declared, “Here it is, your

Friday 25 February 2011

T T Rangarajan answers for " new relationship disturbing an existing important relationship !"

Question: One of the girls working with me is 14 years younger to me.  She recently lost her father and I see a daughter in her.  We started exchanging SMS and now she has started calling me ‘Daddy’.  Shockingly, my wife is against this relationship.  She believes I am getting emotionally involved and she is also convinced that one day I will cross the line.  It looks like I will be put in a position to choose between the two.  But I love them both, of course, in different ways.  Kindly guide me.

T T Rangarajan (Voice of Love):  Visualise the solar system.  Visualise the sun in the middle and all the planets orbiting around the sun. With the same model let us view our life, our roles and our relationship with our roles.  You represent the sun and the roles you play represent the planets.  The time you invest in a relationship, coupled with the emotional bondage you have for that relationship defines the status of the relationship.  Higher the investment of time and emotions on a relationship, the closer they become to you… they represent the planets closer to the sun in this relationship model.  They become your

T T Rangarajan on " Happiness" and " More"...


‘More’ will read as ‘More’ any time you read it, and hence you never reach it.  Hence, ‘Success’ is a lifelong quest.

‘Enough’ will read as ‘Enough’ any time you read it, and hence you don’t have to wait another moment to experience it.  Hence, ‘Happiness’ is just a matter of realisation.

Wise are those who aspire for ‘More than enough’ realising that they have ‘Enough’ in the here and now.  Yet they go after the ‘More’, searching where and how.  This is the path to being happily successful and successfully happy.

- Voice of Love ( T T Rangarajan)

: Taken from " Nosalgia" column of FROZEN THOUGHTS Magazine

"Who writes the script for my life?" - T T Rangarajan gives clarity on Destiny, script of life...

Question : Do you think our life is governed by our actions and the consequences of our actions or is it a predetermined course of events?  Can we write the script of our future, break free from the shackles of destiny or is everything about life already pre-planned and are we just walking into the future that is already set for us.
T T Rangarajan (Voice of Love):  Every moment of life offers innumerable choices.  For every choice I execute, I invite a consequence.  While I have control over my choices, I can only have expectations over the consequences.  While I have a choice over choice, I am actually choiceless about the consequence.  While choices are born out of my intelligence, consequences are a feedback from Existential intelligence - the conglomeration of infinite forces - known, unknown and unknowable.  My microscopic intelligence operates out of the data at my disposal, while the macrocosmic intelligence operates out of universal data.
Life progresses in the framework of choice-consequence-choice cycle.  I execute a choice (I lead my life).  Of course, the consequence of my choice is not in my control (I am being led).  But again, how I respond to

T T Rangarajan's note on “Are you doing justice to the primary responsibilities of the role?”

My dear readers,
“Change the physiotherapist every three weeks.  Once a relationship is built between you and your physiotherapist, he will no more push you.  He tends to sympathise with your Aah and Ouch.  And without pushing, physiotherapy does not work,” said the Neuro Physician.  “But my physiotherapist is a very affectionate boy,” replied the patient.  The doctor reacted, “Then adopt him as your son.  Right now you don’t need a good boy, but you need a good physiotherapist.”
Every role has some inherent primary responsibilities.  No matter what else you do, if you falter in your primary responsibilities of that role, then eventually the relationship will fall apart.
I know how it feels after doing so much for your adolescent daughter and then to get to hear from her, “You don’t love

"HE is never against you, HE is always with you..." - T T Rangarajan, ALMA MATER

My dear readers,

 I used to take my son for chess coaching. Coaches have their own ways. This coach would play a game with my son and defeat him. He would then put all the pieces back in their starting position. He would replay the game along with my son following the same sequence of moves, and in the process explain to him what were the mistakes and what were the good moves. One thing never changed. Every day he would play another game and defeat my son another time. And, then the whole process of replaying and coaching would be done. However, two things kept changing. One, my son was not

" If you want HAPPINESS in relationship..." T T Rangarajan

On the road, it is never the question of whose mistake, but it is the question of whose life!
The responsibility of ‘not hitting’ and ‘not being hit’, both are yours and yours alone.
On the road, it you want to be alive YOU have to make the adjustments.
Blaming makes no sense.

Similarly, in the road called life,

" A peaceful you is a beautiful you !" - TT Rangarajan

My dear readers,
No single person, no single event, no single experience has the right to sit
inside your head and continue to disturb the peace of your mind. No single
person, no single event, no single experience should ever be given such
exalted status as to have the power over the peace of your mind. For the
sake of your peace, let go of anything, let

T T Rangarajan explains the science behind " Why yoga helps one to go deeper in meditation ?”

Question: I sit in the seat of meditation daily, I do weight training on Mondays, cardio exercises on Tuesdays, and on Thursday s I do Yoga. On Thursdays alone I feel I go deep in meditation. Can you help me understand this phenomenon?

Answer from VOICE OF LOVE ( T T Rangarajan): Every form of exercise has their inherent benefits. However, from the context of preparing you for meditation, Yoga has an edge. While most forms of exercises increase your heart
rate during practice, Yoga lowers your heart rate during practice. Since, the bodily movements in Yoga are synchronized with the breath, an internal rhythm and harmony is built, which results in lowering your heart rate. Rhythm in breathing quietens the mind. The result and effect of it is that you are
made ready for the seat of meditation.
In fact, the very science of

RAJAN's answer for "How much ever I try, my self-image is very low? How to improve the same? "

Answer from T T Rangarajan ( VOICE OF LOVE): 

In growing up from a child to an adult, all of us have been handed over images by our parents, teachers, society and peer groups based on how they`ve perceived us. The extent to which we have been sensitive to these reflections made by the society on us determines the image we hold of ourselves. What the world has handed over to us is a biography, their view of us. As an adult, it is time for us to script our own view of ourselves which would be our autobiography. Edit, delete and need be add to these handed over images and transform them into a self-constructed self-image.

To build a healthy self-image,