Friday 25 February 2011

"Who writes the script for my life?" - T T Rangarajan gives clarity on Destiny, script of life...

Question : Do you think our life is governed by our actions and the consequences of our actions or is it a predetermined course of events?  Can we write the script of our future, break free from the shackles of destiny or is everything about life already pre-planned and are we just walking into the future that is already set for us.
T T Rangarajan (Voice of Love):  Every moment of life offers innumerable choices.  For every choice I execute, I invite a consequence.  While I have control over my choices, I can only have expectations over the consequences.  While I have a choice over choice, I am actually choiceless about the consequence.  While choices are born out of my intelligence, consequences are a feedback from Existential intelligence - the conglomeration of infinite forces - known, unknown and unknowable.  My microscopic intelligence operates out of the data at my disposal, while the macrocosmic intelligence operates out of universal data.
Life progresses in the framework of choice-consequence-choice cycle.  I execute a choice (I lead my life).  Of course, the consequence of my choice is not in my control (I am being led).  But again, how I respond to
 these consequences is once again my choice and that is in my control.  My choices are my self-effort (X-axis).  The consequences are my destiny (Y-axis).  My future is neither completely controlled by consequences nor is it independent of my choices, but it is a resultant diagonal in the XY graph.  Life is not Self-Effort Vs Destiny, but it is Self-Effort plus Destiny.
So, I will use my intelligence to execute choices.  Surrender the same intelligence to the Existential intelligence by faithfully accepting the consequences.  And again use my intelligence to execute counter-choices to those consequences.  On a yellow wall when I paint the blue, I will neither find the yellow nor get the blue, but a resultant green.  However, if I continue my self-effort of painting the blue long enough, the wall will eventually turn blue.
So, if I don’t get what I want in life, which I sometimes won’t; if after all my efforts the results don’t turn out to be what I aspired for, which they sometimes won’t; if the consequences of my choices aren’t what I intended, as they sometimes won’t... I will not lose my heart.  Unintended consequences are life’s way of showing me the possibilities I haven’t thought about.  Unintended consequences are Existence’s way of telling me that it has a different plan for me… a plan larger than what I intended.
I will use the framework of choice-consequence-choice and keep progressing in life.  Life is, ‘I’ plus ‘Him’ project, and not ‘I’ versus ‘Him’ project.

: Taken from ‘Clarity is power’ column of FROZEN THOUGHTS.      
: Courtesy – Frozen thoughts Magazine.

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