Friday 25 February 2011

T T Rangarajan explains the science behind " Why yoga helps one to go deeper in meditation ?”

Question: I sit in the seat of meditation daily, I do weight training on Mondays, cardio exercises on Tuesdays, and on Thursday s I do Yoga. On Thursdays alone I feel I go deep in meditation. Can you help me understand this phenomenon?

Answer from VOICE OF LOVE ( T T Rangarajan): Every form of exercise has their inherent benefits. However, from the context of preparing you for meditation, Yoga has an edge. While most forms of exercises increase your heart
rate during practice, Yoga lowers your heart rate during practice. Since, the bodily movements in Yoga are synchronized with the breath, an internal rhythm and harmony is built, which results in lowering your heart rate. Rhythm in breathing quietens the mind. The result and effect of it is that you are
made ready for the seat of meditation.
In fact, the very science of
Yoga is to lead you to that state of unison. The very term Yoga has its root in Sanskrit language – yuj, which means to join, yoke together, to unify, to unite as one.

: Taken from ‘Clarity is power’ column of FROZEN THOUGHTS.       
: Courtesy – Frozen thoughts Magazine.

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